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Testing Information

2024-25 Testing Calendar

ACT Testing Information:

For information regarding ACT online registration, test dates, and costs, please visit the ACT Student website. To register by mail, visit the Pearland High School Counseling Center, on either campus, for a registration booklet.

SAT Testing Information:

For information regarding SAT online registration, test dates, and costs, please visit the College Board website. To register by mail, visit the Pearland High School Counseling Center for a registration booklet.

SAT/ACT Information


Are you eligible for an ACT Fee Waiver?

Are you eligible for an SAT Fee Waiver?

ASVAB Testing Information:

The ASVAB is an aptitude/career interest exam. There is NO military or financial obligation for this exam. The exams intent is to discover what you are good at or possible career choices. For information regarding ASVAB, please visit ASVAB website. You can also visit the Pearland High School Counseling Center for assistance.